WashU Open Law E-Billing Portal
What’s New? | Implementation Info | Training | FAQ’s | Communication History | Contact Us
New Training Tool Added!
Submitting invoices to WU OGC is a multi-step process.
We’ve included an Invoice Tracker in our training material to help ensure successfully created or imported LEDES invoices are Submitted to OGC for review and approval.

What is the Open Law E-Billing Portal?
Open Law Portal is an electronic billing module that is fully compliant with the International Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard (LEDES).
The Open Law Portal allows law firms to upload invoices to a secure environment where they can be reviewed and processed. The e-billing system promotes a simplified and efficient legal billing process.
Policies and Expectations for Outside Counsel Representation (PDF)
What’s New?

- Call to Action! Please review the updated training material.
- New Training Tool Added! Submitting invoices to WU OGC is a multi-step process.
We’ve included an Invoice Tracker in our training material to help ensure successfully created or imported LEDES invoices are Submitted to OGC for review and approval.
Submitting Your E-Billing Invoices via Open Law Web Portal (Video)
When will the Open Law Portal go live?
As of November 1, 2021, the WashU Open Law E-Billing Portal is live and ready for you to use.
How many people in our office can have access to the Open Law Portal?
We are not limiting the number of accounts. Anyone who may at any point need to submit an invoice can have a user account.
How do I get access to the Portal?
Send your request to OGC-GalexyAdmin@email.wustl.edu with the following information:
- Name of the firm
- Full name of individual
- Email address
Can I use a shared account?
Yes, a shared account is recommended. Please ensure the mailbox that is associated with the Portal account is monitored by multiple individuals.
Who in our firm should be trained to use Open Law?
Anyone who may need to submit an invoice. Training materials are available on our website. Special access will NOT be required.
Where do I find training materials?
Training materials are available on the website. Special access is NOT required.
Is training required?
Training will NOT be required but strongly encouraged.
Follow the steps provided in the user guides.

User guides that detail the steps on how to submit an invoice for OGC review and approval are available in the training section under the INVOICES tab.
Will invoices that we already submitted be paid?
Yes, all invoices that were submitted before the launch of the Open Law Portal will be processed and paid.
How do I get help?
Please contact us at OGC-GalexyAdmin@email.wustl.edu
Do I have to use Open Law Portal to submit my invoices?
Yes, after the Open Law Portal launch on November 1, 2021, emailed invoices will no longer be accepted.
Where can I find the list of task codes?
Our E-Billing system uses the UTBMS codes (Uniform Task Based Management System).
Please visit the UTBMS website, and reference UTBMS by type, from the menu, for the codes and their descriptions.
Warnings and Actions
Here’s a PDF list of potential warnings and actions to resolve the warning.
Over the past year, the Office of Vice Chancellor and General Counsel has been working on the implementation of a new legal matter management system. We have now reached the final point in the process: implementation of an electronic billing system.
We expect to go live with the Open Law Portal in the fall of 2021. During the next several months, we will provide updates via bi-weekly newsletters and our website.
This website will contain training materials, project updates, FAQs and other useful information. Please visit it regularly.
Please complete this short intake form with general information about your firm.
As we look forward to the efficiencies this system will create, we will always prioritize direct and candid conversation about fees and expenses.
Communication History
Subj: Open Law Newsletter | 25 Oct 2021 | Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: Open Law Newsletter | 12 Oct 2021 | Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: Open Law Newsletter | 27 Sept 2021 | Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: Open Law Newsletter: Soft Launch | 30 Aug 2021 | Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: Open Law Newsletter | 30 Aug 2021 | Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: Open Law Newsletter | 16 Aug 2021 |Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: Open Law Newsletter | 13 Sept 2021 | Open Law Newsletter (PDF)
Subj: WashU e-billing | 10 Aug 2021 | WashU eBilling Letter (PDF)
Contact Us
Office of General Council